Улаанбаатар хотын орлогод нийцсэн ногоон орон сууц ба дасан зохицох чадвар бүхий хотын шинэчлэл салбарын төсөл



The project will implement resettlement and land acquisition activities in two ways:

  • Within the eco-district boundary, the redevelopment process and housing construction supported by the project will be demand driven, facilitated by 100% voluntary land swapping process.
  • Involuntary land acquisition and relocation will be implemented in necessary areas during the construction of basic infrastructure outside the project eco-district boundary

The Asian Development Bank approved in 2018 to develop the western part of Bayankhoshuu sub-center and the eastern part of Selbe sub-center as the two main areas of the first phase of the project. The next phases of Eco-District construction will be done in the same way as the Voluntary Land Swapping Plan.

AHURP will be implemented through a demand-driven approach within the perimeters of the project eco-districts, based on a voluntary land swapping mechanism, supported by voluntary land swapping plans (VLSPs). The proposed resettlement is voluntary in nature as households will be provided with an option to participate or not. Each VLSP will cover landowners and non-landowners, with provisions for poor and vulnerable households as well as for affected persons under ADB’s Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program

  • The Government of Mongolia will verify whether the VLS process is in accordance with the approved plan prepared by the MUB and will ensure that no physical or economic displacement is done in connection with the sub-project. That includes:
  • According to the VLSP agreed and approved by ADB and MUB, the swapping of the land and assets are evaluated fairly;
  • To provide social housing for households in the lowest 1-3 income decile in the scale of 10 income decile level, who do not have the land ownership rights, and the monthly cost of rent or rent-to-own housing units doesn’t exceed 30 percent of their income;
  • In accordance with the mutual agreement between ADB and MUB, the creation of the comprehensive program for the restoration of income and livelihood reflected in the VLSP.

In 2022, the project’s Resettlement Framework was updated in accordance with the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement(2009) due to the potential impact of involuntary displacement caused by the construction of infrastructure outside the project’s eco-district boundary and was approved by ADB and other relevant organizations The government has the following responsibility:

  • Based on the final approved detailed engineering design, when and if there is an involuntary resettlement and land acquisition, Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) will be prepared in accordance with the approved Resettlement Framework and needs to be approved by ADB before any land acquisition work starts. The planning, updating, implementing and monitoring of the LARP has be to in compliance with all the provisions included in the LAPR agreed between the ADB and MUB.
  • All affected persons need to be fully informed about the planning, updating, implementing, and monitoring processes of the resettlement.
  • Compensation required for land acquisition and relocation activities will be provided and implemented according to the approved budget and project schedule.
  • In the event that the compensation budget exceeds the planned budget, any additional cost will have to be provided according to the project schedule.
  • The project management office (PMO) and all the implementing agencies shall appoint a designated staff responsible for monitoring and implementing the LARP and submit an internal semi-annual social monitoring report to ADB and MUB.
  • Ensure the effective operation of the grievance redress mechanism

As a resident, you can express your feedback, requests, grievances, and appreciation related to the AHURP according to the below GRM channels.

Your comments, requests, complaints, and appreciations will be resolved by the project within 30 days based on the MUB’s Resolution No. 1086 for Grievance Redress. Please note that your suggestions, requests, complaints, and appreciations should cover issues that can be resolved through non-judicial consultation with the project. In other words, we advise you that it is better to apply for land and asset related disputes and criminal matters directly to the police and have them resolved without delay.


If you find it difficult to write and send your complaint yourself, or if it is difficult to use the following channels, you can contact the Grievance Redress Committee that comprises community representative, by phone at 77770023. They will help you to:

  1. With filling out the inquiry form.
  2. Based on your condition, will do their best efforts to resolve your matters without delay, and/or provide with needed information for further undertakings.
  3. Help you with confirming your complaint (taking pictures and attaching supporting documents etc.,.)
  4. You can meet them and express your gratitude.
  5. Provide response to your complaint, gratitude, feedback and comments.


They will act as bridge between you and the project team for grievance redress related matters and other aspects related to the project.


The Project Management Office will internally monitor the implementation of the Voluntary Land Swapping process and the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan, and submit a monthly report to Municipality of Ulaanbaatar. Additionally, it will prepare a semi-annual internal monitoring report on the resettlement activities to submit to the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar and ADB so the the semi annual report can be disclosed on the ADB website.

"Independent external monitoring and evaluation will be conducted on the implementation of VLS and involuntary acquisition and resettlement activities at all stages of the project. Additionally, the External Monitoring Organization is responsible for third-party monitoring and verification of land acquisition and resettlement processes, in accordance with contracts and agreements related to the project."


Ulaanbaatar green affordable housing and resilient urban renewable sector project

  1. The project will closely follow the environmental legislation of Mongolia and ADB’s Safeguard Policy to ensure that required environmental safeguards are in place.
  2. Төслийн эхний шатанд Баянхошуу болон Сэлбэ дэд төвүүдийн сонгогдсон байршилд 2017-2018 онд судалгаанд хамрагдсан байсан өрхүүдийн төсөлд оролцох хүсэл сонирхолтой хэвээр эсэхийг дахин нягтална.
  3. Нэг эко-хороолол барихад нэг дор байрлалтай,хамгийн багадаа 4 га газрын иргэд төсөлд хамрагдах хүсэлтээ ирүүлснээр төсөл хэрэгжих байршил баталгаажна.
  4. Инженерийн баг нь эко-хорооллын ТЭЗҮ болон нарийвчилсан зураг төслийг боловсруулж, бүтээн байгуулалтын төсвийг тооцно.
  5. ТХН-ийн хөлсөлж авсан үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн хараат бус үнэлгээчин төсөлд оролцогч өрхүүдийн газар, үл хөдлөх эд хөрөнгийг үнэлнэ.
  6. Төслийн багийнхан үл хөдлөх эд хөрөнгийн нарийвчилсан хэмжилт, тооллого, үнэлгээний үр дүнг төсөлд оролцогч өрхүүдэд тайлбарлаж өгнө. Хэрэв хашааны эзэн үнэлгээний дүнд сэтгэл ханамжтай бол газраа орон сууцаар солих гэрээ байгуулна.

Айл өрхүүд зөвхөн сайн дурын үндсэнд нэгдэж төсөлд оролцох ёстой. Иймд төсөлд хамрагдах хүсэлтэй иргэд төслийн зүгээс зохион байгуулах уулзалт, зөвлөгөөнд идэвхитэй оролцож, төслөөс явуулах асуулга судалгааны үеэр төсөлд оролцох хүсэлтээ илэрхийлэх хэрэгтэй. Хашааны эзэн болон хашаанд хамт амьдардаг өрхүүд хамтдаа төсөлд хамрагдахаар зөвшөөрсөн байх шаардлагатай.