Улаанбаатар хотын орлогод нийцсэн ногоон орон сууц ба дасан зохицох чадвар бүхий хотын шинэчлэл салбарын төсөл

Open biddings


PMO Legal Specialist

A. Objective and Purpose of the Assignment

The Government of Mongolia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and High-Level Technology Fund (HLTF) toward the cost of the Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal Project (AHURP). The objective of the project is to transform the highly climate-vulnerable and heavily polluting peri-urban areas of Ulaanbaatar (ger areas) into low-carbon, climate resilient and affordable eco-districts. More information about the project can be obtained from https://www.adb.org/projects/49169-002/main.

The Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) will act as Executing Agency, with responsibility for implementation supported by one Project Management Office (PMO) and one Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The Capital City Housing Corporation (NOSK) will serve as PMO and manage overall project physical implementation.   

B. Scope of work

The Legal Specialist will be responsible for providing legal support in the implementation of the project, including the policy reform and all matters concerning contracts with contractors, consultants, and PMO staff as well as internal policies and procedures to make sure that all binding documents are in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements under the relevant laws and regulations of Mongolia and ADB and other co-Financier’s policies and procedures.

The Specialist will report to the Project Coordinator, and if applicable, MUB, Ministry of Finance (MOF) and ADB. Required inputs are 42 person-months on a full-time basis and the contract will be established on a yearly basis in accordance with Government Resolution No. 176 and No. 4 of the Minister of Finance.

C. Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output:

The Legal Specialist will report to the Project Coordinator and perform following duties, but not limited to these only:

  • Review the legal/policy documents developed under the project in compliance with the Project agreement and related laws and regulations;
  • Lead in providing legal services in the processing, negotiating and administration of the project implementation;
  • Review existing legal and regulatory framework, as well as interlinked institutional and administrative arrangements, for origination, structuring and financing of the affordable housing scheme and provide recommendations and support for possible reforms;
  • Develop necessary legal and policy documents and guidelines for the project in compliance with the Government and ADB requirements (including ADB legal agreements), including drafting the requisite legal documents and agreements and any regulatory filings required; 
  • Provide PMO on internal guidance, bylaws and other legal documents   regulatory and policy issues during project implementation; Provide or cause to be provided written opinions and interpretations as required
  • Work with the Project Coordinator and other staffs, and coordinate inputs from a Mongolian law firm, as necessary, to draft the project implementation documents. This includes model contracts/templates for project implementation (including required templates required under the ADB legal agreements under the project), handle related contract negotiations; issue any required legal opinions; and handle any other related legal matters and other related legal documents, all in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, ADB legal agreements and any other project requirements;
  •  Develop the legislative framework of the VLSP;
  • Draft the tripartite contract of land acquisition and resettlement (MUB, PMO and land owner) and land swapping (real estate developer, PMO and land owner);  
  • Attend relevant meetings on an intermittent basis to provide any advice or support where his/her professional judgment necessary or advisable;
  • Review existing norms and standards and relevant national laws and regulation regarding energy efficient green buildings, and propose necessary revision or amendments to the regulations;
  • Provide recommendations for policy, procedure, or legislative changes, as appropriate, under the administrative direction; 
  • Draft the project implementation documents such as model contracts/templates for project implementation (including required templates required under the ADB legal agreements under the project), handle related contract negotiations; issue any required legal opinions; and handle any other related legal matters and legal documents, all in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, ADB legal agreements and any other project requirements;
  • Ensure due diligence and compliance with the ADB policies and legal agreements of the project;
  • Assist the PMO in disputes arising from the relevant contracts during project implementation;
  • Assist the land acquisition and resettlement procedures during project implementation
  • Lead in providing legal services in the processing, negotiating and administration of the project implementation;
  • Provide constant assistance in GRM process;
  • Contribute in multi-stakeholder consultations and meetings;
  • As assigned, undertake works on litigation cases relating to PMO and project activities, and
  • Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.

D. Output/deliverables:

  • Periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual) progress reports to various stakeholders of the project;
  • Finalized legal framework, written opinions, legal recommendation and legal assessment, official letters, documents and agreements required for all stages of the project
  • Control and monitoring reports as well as checklists, manuals, plans and finalized project documents, and
  • Dispute resolution. 

E. Required Qualifications, Skills, Expertise and Experience

  • Minimum of Master’s degree in laws, legal studies or related fields;
  • At least 10 years of preferred professional experience, including 5 years’ experience in contract management, legal compliance, disputes and conflict management in land and urban development;
  • At least 5 years of working experience in developing countries with projects financed by the ADB or other international finance institutions; 
  • Ability to work closely with national and local governments;
  • Knowledge on litigation and legal contract, agreement, acquisition and resettlement procedures and documentation; 
  • Good management, communication, interpersonal and motivational skills; 
  • Knowledge on the judicial system and procedures, and
  • Excellent written and spoken English. 

F. Application Submission Procedure 

Interested candidate should submit an application consisting of the following documents, prepared in English and Mongolian language:

  • Cover letter explaining the reasons for applying to the position, describing how the candidate’s qualification, skills and work experiences meet the selection criteria
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Two reference letters from previous employers, and
  • Notarized copies of all diplomas and certificates.

All documents should be enclosed in a sealed envelope that indicates the applied position and delivered to the below address by 4:00 PM on 27 December 2023.

Attn: Mrs.Ariuntsetseg S, 

Specialist at the Department for Economic Development and Public and Private Sector Partnership 

Office #207B, The Capital City Governor’s Office

Sukhbaatar square 6, 1stkhoroo, Chingeltei district 

Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia

Tel: 976-77770023

Холбоотой мэдээлэл


НЗДТГ-аас Азийн хөгжлийн банк, Уур амьсгалын ногоон сангийн санхүүжилтээр хэрэгжүүлж байгаа “Улаанбаатар хотын орлогод нийцсэн


Огноо: 2024 оны 6 дугаар сарын 24 Зээлийн дугаар ба нэр: ЗЭЭЛ 3694-MON(OCR): Улаанбаатар хотын


Огноо: 2023 оны 5 дугаар сарын 20 Зээлийн дугаар ба нэр: ЗЭЭЛ 3694-MON(OCR): Улаанбаатар хотын


Огноо: 2024 оны 4 дүгээр сарын 9 Зээлийн дугаар ба нэр: ЗЭЭЛ 3694-MON(OCR): Улаанбаатар хотын