Улаанбаатар хотын орлогод нийцсэн
ногоон орон сууц ба дасан зохицох чадвар
бүхий хотын шинэчлэл салбарын төсөл

Улаанбаатар хотын орлогод нийцсэн ногоон орон сууц ба дасан зохицох чадвар бүхий хотын шинэчлэл салбарын төсөл

Нээлттэй худалдан авалт

                                  VACANCY ANOUNCEMENT                 


  1. Background

The Government of Mongolia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and High-Level Technology Fund (HLTF) toward the cost of the Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal Project (AHURP). The objective of the project is to transform the highly climate-vulnerable and heavily polluting peri-urban areas of Ulaanbaatar (ger areas) into low-carbon, climate resilient and affordable eco-districts. More information about the project can be obtained from https://www.adb.org/projects/49169-002/main.

The Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) will act as Executing Agency, with responsibility for implementation supported by one Project Management Office (PMO) and one Project Implementation Unit (PIU). 

  • Scope of work 

The water supply and sewage Engineer will be responsible for providing technical support in the implementation of the project at design, procurement, construction and post construction stages, and ensuring the all design and construction documents are consistent with national and international procedures, standards, and specifications towards green, sustainable and resilient development; and its supervision and control. The engineer will conduct construction supervision of all construction sites to meet requirements of design drawings, technical specifications; building codes and standards; and contribute to timely completion of constructions meeting contract completion deadline. The Engineer will work closely with concerned PMO staff and project consultants and report to Project Coordinator and if applicable, to MUB, Ministry of Finance, ADB, GCF and other co-financiers. 

The required inputs are 42 person-months on a full-time basis and the contract will be established on a yearly basis in accordance with Resolution #4 of the Minister of Finance revised on 23 January 2024. 

  • Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Outputs

The Engineer will ensure that design and civil works are completed with highest quality within the planned period to enable successful implementation of the project and provide technical guidance in line with the relevant regulations and procedures of the Government of Mongolia and ADB and as well as best practice of the industry and perform following specific tasks, but not limited to these only:

  • support the project coordinator to prepare and update the implementation program for each sub-centers covering all planned design and civil works, to be further integrated by the PMO in the overall Project implementation plan; 
  • develop TORs for Water supply, sewage, water treatment system, and storm water management system design works; 
  • ensure that all design and construction documents are consistent with national and international engineering standards for design and construction of residential buildings, public facilities, including building codes of Sewage network. External network and facility БНбД 40-01-14 Outside network of water supply and sewage, and its facility БНбД 40-04-16 Internal water supply and sewage of building БНбД 40-05-16*/20 and related standards, and water supply networks with use of renewable energy where it is applicable, public amenities and urban design, greenhouse and landscaping and as well as best practice of the industry, reflecting the best international experiences and technical solutions not limited by old-dated building codes for the pilot project and ensure that all necessary government approvals are obtained by the engineering consultants, including technical conditions for the planned buildings and facilities; 
  • ensure cost effective application of water conservation in sustainable manner;
  • ensure cost effective and sustainable solutions for watering greeneries, bushes and trees, and other income generation activities when applicable;
  • ensure cost effective and sustainable solutions for soil water treatment and reuse
  • conduct researches to propose innovative and sustainable solutions for water and energy savings, grey water treatment, soil water recycling and re-usage;
  • be responsible for providing leadership for the project design in a multidisciplinary professional environment liaising with other professional staffs;
  • making calculations for individual hot water heating network system, heating boiler house design by appropriate software for AHURP Pilot Project, and applying expert knowledge in water supply and selecting appropriate equipment and construction materials;
  • design and draft internal and external water supply and sewage of the design drawings and collaborate with other disciplinal engineers to get final deliverables;
  • review and comment on external and internal water supply and sewage design drawings, design concepts (using AutoCAD) and technical specifications, incorporating the latest sustainable energy efficient technologies;
  • research, design, and draft water supply system equipment to meet this TOR’s requirements in both internal and external water supply system network;
  • ensure that all design and construction documents are consistent with national and international engineering standards and eco-district parameters specified in the project documents (affordable, low carbon, climate-resilient, and livable with sufficient public and green space and public facilities), as well as compliant to the green building rating or get building energy efficiency rating and certifications (EDGE, LEEDS etc.,);
  • review and study existing building norms and standards, criteria and green building certification system and propose and recommend on updating the standards and system to meet the green building and eco-district concept;
  • closely work with the detailed design and supervision consultants and guide them on the proper design of the project development works and review and recommend on the preliminary and detailed engineering and architectural designs and options, sub-project appraisals, and cost estimates and calculations;
  • review tender documents being prepared by the detailed design consultants and closely work with the project coordinator and procurement expert to prepare technical component of the tender documents, and provide technical input as required for the preparation of bid evaluation reports;
  • review the detailed design for mechanical plan prepared by the detailed design consultants and work closely with the consultants to provide guidance for improvements;
  • review infrastructure drawings of water supply and sewage prepared by the detailed design consultants and work closely with the consultants to provide guidance for improvements;
  • develop all required documents and checklists for review and approvals of designs and constructions, and prepare standard quality control manual for use in project construction works; 
  • monitor construction schedules, and provide overall supervision of construction and undertake quality control and risk management and ensure their smooth operation;
  • supervise testing of materials and equipment, ensure its effective usage during the project implementation phases; and review the equipment manufactures drawings and calculations to check arrangements for optimized operation and maintenance and verify compliance with contract specifications and develop its operation manual and training O&M personnel;
  • support the developers to obtain from competent authorities all necessary approvals and permits, validations and certifications on completed open and concealed works;
  • support project consultants to develop and implement a comprehensive capacity building program for the MUB, PMO, PIU and relevant stakeholders and agencies, and
  • other duties assigned by the Project Coordinator. 


  • Periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual) progress reports to various stakeholders of the project;
  • Control and monitoring reports as well as checklists, manuals, plans and finalized project documents.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • Holds Bachelor’s degree in water supply and sewage engineering and Master’s degree in the same field  or other related disciplines;
  • Minimum 5 years of experiences in the field of water supply and sewage, and with 3 years’ experience in construction supervision thereof; 
  • At least 3 years of work experience in international projects financed by ADB and/or other international financial institutions;
  • A good understanding of regulations, certifications and schemes designed to support eco-district and green building concept and green construction materials; 
  • EDGE/LEED accreditation would be advantage;
  • A solid understanding of project implementation policies and procedures adhered by the Government and ADB;
  • Training in energy and water saving will be advantage; 
  • Demonstrated capacity to work collegially and creatively within a team and with partners;
  • Excellent leadership skills, with experience working in cross cultural settings, and
  • Good knowledge of English language.

Application Submission Procedure 

Interested candidate should submit an application consisting of the following documents, prepared in English and Mongolian language:

  • Cover letter explaining the reasons for applying to the position, describing how the candidate’s qualification, skills and work experiences meet the selection criteria;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Two reference letters from previous employers, and 
  • Notarized copies of all diplomas and certificates.

All documents should be enclosed in a sealed envelope that indicates the applied position and delivered to the below address by 4:00 PM on 10 April 2024.

Attn: Ms.Amarjargal M, 

Project Specialist at the Department for Economic Development and Public and Private Sector Partnership 

Office #207B, The Capital City Governor’s Office

Sukhbaatar square 6, 1stkhoroo, Chingeltei district 

Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia

Tel: 976-77770023

Please note that the submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.  

Холбоотой мэдээлэл


НЗДТГ-аас Азийн хөгжлийн банк, Уур амьсгалын ногоон сангийн санхүүжилтээр хэрэгжүүлж байгаа “Улаанбаатар хотын орлогод нийцсэн


Огноо: 2024 оны 6 дугаар сарын 24 Зээлийн дугаар ба нэр: ЗЭЭЛ 3694-MON(OCR): Улаанбаатар хотын


Огноо: 2023 оны 5 дугаар сарын 20 Зээлийн дугаар ба нэр: ЗЭЭЛ 3694-MON(OCR): Улаанбаатар хотын


Огноо: 2024 оны 4 дүгээр сарын 9 Зээлийн дугаар ба нэр: ЗЭЭЛ 3694-MON(OCR): Улаанбаатар хотын